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Large archive of maps, photographs, newspaper clippings and documents on the Franco-Prussian War, or Franco-German War as it is referred to in France. This is a rare opportunity to purchase a personal collection revolving around a French Naval General Ernest Liebert. All items are in French.

It appears from the hand written documents and hand written notes on some other pieces in the collection, that somebody was amassing these items to write a bibliography on General Ernest Liebert

Items include:

-2 maps of the Battle of Sedan – A battle where General Liebert served and where Napoleon III and his whole army were captured by Germany

- 1 map of the territory between Donchery and Mezieres in Northern France

-1 map documenting the French position on the morning of September 1st (1870) – According to the documents this was a particularly disastrous day for the French

-1 pamphlet on the Battle of Sedan

-9 pages of hand written documents

-2 Algerian newspaper clippings and 1 Parisian clipping discussing General Liebert’s obstacles at war

-1 book titled, “The Franco-German War of 1870-71” – a collection of accounts of the war written in French and published in Berlin. A photograph of General Liebert, as well as hand written notes, have been added to the pages of the book

-26 photographs – The majority of which were taken by A. (Alphonse) Liebert (presumably a relative). The photographs are of Liebert and other family members and French Naval ships and academy.

This is a treasure trove of information revealing personal insight to the struggle France faced in trying to keep Germany from becoming a unified state, and eliminate French influence. German victory not only reclaimed lands, such as Alsace-Lorraine, from France, it was the downfall of Napoleon III and the end of the French Second Empire.

French Naval General Ernest Liebert Archive
French Naval General Ernest Liebert Archive
French Naval General Ernest Liebert Archive
French Naval General Ernest Liebert Archive
Alphonse Liebert, et al. French Naval General Ernest Liebert Archive

Price $500

Additional Images

French Naval General Ernest Liebert Archive
French Naval General Ernest Liebert Archive
French Naval General Ernest Liebert Archive
Main Image

Ref.# 10545

Medium Carte de Visites, Maps, Documents, etc.

Photo Date 1870c  Print Date 1870c

Photo Country France

Photographer Country

User ID:10545 and ID: France

Charles Schwartz Ltd.


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